Balıklı, an Aceramic Neolithic site located in the Gülpınar district of Aksaray, was discovered in 2015. In 2016, it was seen that the site was damaged by heavy construction equipment, which dug several pits at the site. Three of these pits reached in situ layers and the consequently revealed sections inside these pits enabled us to observe and start understanding some characteristics of the site. In 2017, a surface collection was conducted, and in 2018 rescue excavations started under the directorate of Aksaray Museum. The project is carried out under the scientific advisor of Assoc. Prof. Güneş Duru.
The upper level of the site is the period when the eastern walls of the buildings were used as graves after the settlement was abandoned. The lower layers, which represents Balıklı with its many sub-phases, is the layer that consists of oval shelters, where a group of at least 100-150 people led a hunter and gatherer life and continued agricultural activities at a limited scale.
Balıklı is the fourth excavation site along with other early Aceramic Neolithic sites (Aşıklı Höyük [Aksaray], Pınarbaşı [Karaman], Boncuklu [Konya]) excavated so far in Central Anatolia. The site is closer to the obsidian sources than other settlements. It is a distinctive settlement in the region in terms of building style, material culture and burial customs. In terms of these features, it has a key role in understanding early Neolithic communities in Central Anatolia.