It is approximately 1.6 km from the city of Giresun/Kerasous, one of the important settlements of the Pontus Region. Giresun Island, located off the coast, is the only island in the Eastern Black Sea Region that witnessed settlement in the Ancient Age and the Middle Ages. According to the information obtained from ancient sources, the island was named Aretias in the Classical Age and Chalkeritis Island in the Roman Imperial Period. On the island, which has a surface area of approximately 40,000 m² and a height of 30 meters from the sea, there are ruins dating back to the Middle Ages. The first excavations on the island were carried out in 2011 and 2012. Excavations were interrupted in 2013 and 2014, and since 2015, under the presidency of Giresun Museum Directorate, under the scientific consultancy of Asc. Prof. Dr.Gazanfer İLTAR, the studies were resumed by Asc. Prof. Dr. Akın TEMÜR and a team of Ondokuz Mayıs University Archeology Department students. Although many architectural remains were identified during the studies carried out during this period, excavations; It was carried out in three different regions, the Chapel and the Pitos Area. The ceramic finds obtained as a result of the excavations reveal that the history of the island dates back to the Classical periods, unlike the dense medieval finds seen on the surface.